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Another Important Date On Mummy's Diary!

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

My First Christmas!

Christmas morning - we went handphone shopping for daddy. Mummy bought him a Nokia N81 as a Christmas present.

What I wore for the shopping trip - pink Luvable Friends sleepsuit accessorised with bib made with 100% organic Egyptian cotton (a gift from grand aunt for my full month celebration).

Later that day, while playing with the recording function on his new phone, daddy recorded my first word! Can you guess what it is? Hint: I was wearing a Daddy's Little Girl romper.

The magic word only cropped up at the tail end of the recording so make sure you watch the whole clip. Enjoy!

Warning: Caution. Extreme Cuteness Ahead. Proceed At Your Own Risk!

Christmas afternoon - playtime in my exersaucer.

I can't wait to give all my toys a good wash with my saliva. Maybe if I rubbernecked a bit more, I could reach them...

this sunflower tastes great...

this pigeon looks pretty succulent, now if only I could pull it closer to me...

this is pure bliss...

I'm so happy I can...

blow raspberries!

Huh, whaddaya mean my playtime's over? But, but, I'm not done tasting all my toys yet!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

She has such a darling little dimple!