My Birthday

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Another Important Date On Mummy's Diary!

DaisypathAnniversary Years Ticker

Monday, December 31, 2007

Bye Bye Pool View

I will miss you, night view of the pool from my room.

On nights when I fuss, mummy will rock me gently by the window, where I will be calmed by reflection of the lights twinkling on the water.

Thanks for the memories.

Bye bye.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Work In Progress

What our new house looks like after 7 months of addition and alteration work, and spending a renovation cost that can buy mummy more than 400 of this. It looks pretty raw if you ask me.

Can you see us moving in 10 days' time? Apparently, people here said it's possible.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Shopaholic Mom

Mummy bought this cute Gymboree denim jumper for me. It should reach us in the mail in about 2 weeks' time. Can't wait to chew on play with the reindeer plush that comes with the jumper. Life's great with a shopaholic mom!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

My First Christmas!

Christmas morning - we went handphone shopping for daddy. Mummy bought him a Nokia N81 as a Christmas present.

What I wore for the shopping trip - pink Luvable Friends sleepsuit accessorised with bib made with 100% organic Egyptian cotton (a gift from grand aunt for my full month celebration).

Later that day, while playing with the recording function on his new phone, daddy recorded my first word! Can you guess what it is? Hint: I was wearing a Daddy's Little Girl romper.

The magic word only cropped up at the tail end of the recording so make sure you watch the whole clip. Enjoy!

Warning: Caution. Extreme Cuteness Ahead. Proceed At Your Own Risk!

Christmas afternoon - playtime in my exersaucer.

I can't wait to give all my toys a good wash with my saliva. Maybe if I rubbernecked a bit more, I could reach them...

this sunflower tastes great...

this pigeon looks pretty succulent, now if only I could pull it closer to me...

this is pure bliss...

I'm so happy I can...

blow raspberries!

Huh, whaddaya mean my playtime's over? But, but, I'm not done tasting all my toys yet!

Saturday, December 22, 2007


This isn't what you think it is. In case you are wondering, I DIDN'T eat my soiled diaper! Grandma bought this for me so that I can have my two meals of solids a day, without mummy having to prepare them from scratch, during our weekend stay at the Pulai Springs Resort.

The stay with grandma, mummy, daddy, aunty Lani, my two aunties and their families went great. Needless to say, everyone was totally smitten by my saccharine-sweet smile and charming personality by the end of our stay.

Daddy, this organic beef mash is really yummy *slurp* but you are feeding me waaay too slowly. Let me do it myself *lunge forward to grab the spoon*

Thursday, December 20, 2007

New Milestone Right On Track

Sat upright unsupported long enough for daddy to take a few good shots.

Look mummy, I'm a big girl now!

I think I still prefer the view from here. Hee...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My Christmas Pressie pa-ROMP-pa-pom-pom!

Mummy added another 23 rompers (!) to my wardrobe with the strike of a few keystrokes. Compulsive Impulsive shopper, credit card and online mall is a dangerous mix.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Passport Photo

Mummy and daddy needed a picture of me for my passport. Photo taking is always great fun since I get to laugh at the funny faces mummy and daddy make! It took us a while before we got the "look" right.

So let's get down to business, you want a face shot? How does this look?

No good? What about my side profile? You think the people at ICA will like it?

Still no good? You mean they need a frontal shot? Alright. What about this with my signature toothless smile? You like my dimple? Got it from mummy. Ain't it pretty?

STILL NO GOOD!? This isn't as fun as I thought it would be. I'm beginning to regret this, mummy. I will give you and daddy one more chance to get it right before I start to whine.

There, happy? Whatdayathink? Do I look cute or what?

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Mummy, I Heart You!

Modelling on my new K's Kids Discovery Circle. I HEART MUMMY, she buys the best toys for me!

Monday, September 17, 2007

No More Styling Woes

Today, I was sent to the hair salon to have my head shaved.


Sunday, September 16, 2007

One & Only

Today's mummy 35th birthday and daddy is holidaying in Maldives at the One&Only Reethi Rah. Mummy told me she misses daddy.

Picture of daddy snorkelling.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Another New Toy!

Mummy went into a shopping overdrive and bought me quite a few toys lately (woohoo!).

Modelling in my new Safety First Bouncin' Baby Play Place. The very first time I can sit upright, not without the help of my blanket wedged snugly for support, of course.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Mumbo Bumbo

Modelling in my new Bumbo. Don't ask me why daddy took such an unflattering shot of me. Let me get this straight: I am not follically challenged and neither am I wearing a comb over. Blame it on telogen effluvium. Seriously, people.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Dontcha Wish Your Girlfriend Was Cute Like Me?

Dontcha wanna pinch my cheeks! Am I cute or am I cute? I had a cough shortly after this picture was taken and lost some of my baby fat. It was a painful period for mummy - I guess it was no fun for her seeing her newborn in so much discomfort.

Saturday, July 7, 2007


Today is supposed to be my Estimated Date of Delivery but being delivered 7 weeks earlier means that I am now 7 weeks old!

Another photo taking session? So daddy, are you giving your little princess any pressie for posing? It's not easy staying still, ya know?

No? Hmm, I can't say that I'm thrilled. So there, a forced smile for you!

My pink romper looks awfully delicious. Maybe I should give it a quick lick to see if it's yummy?

Daddy is still adjusting the lighting? This posing thing is kinda of tiring. Betta get some shut-eye before the next milk feed.

Out of the pictures taken today, mummy likes this the most - I'm sure it wasn't an easy choice since it's almost impossible to take a bad picture of me *smirk* - and got her friend to print it onto personalised stamps.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

27 Day Old

Picture was taken two days before my full month celebration at grandma's place.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Little Bundle Of Joy

Note from mummy: arrival of my little princess after a 33-hour delivery. Little one was delivered at 32 weeks 6 days gestational age.

In blissful sleep after a whole night of kickboxing in mummy's tummy.

WHY? Why do you have to wake me up?!? I DONTCH WANT to take photo, WAAAH...

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Me In Utero

Me in utero - 8 days before seeing the world and catching mummy and daddy off guard, as I wasn't expected until 7 July 2007.

Picture was taken with daddy's handphone.