On nights when I fuss, mummy will rock me gently by the window, where I will be calmed by reflection of the lights twinkling on the water.
Thanks for the memories.
Bye bye.
this sunflower tastes great...
this pigeon looks pretty succulent, now if only I could pull it closer to me...
this is pure bliss...
I'm so happy I can...
blow raspberries!
Huh, whaddaya mean my playtime's over? But, but, I'm not done tasting all my toys yet!
Still no good? You mean they need a frontal shot? Alright. What about this with my signature toothless smile? You like my dimple? Got it from mummy. Ain't it pretty?
STILL NO GOOD!? This isn't as fun as I thought it would be. I'm beginning to regret this, mummy. I will give you and daddy one more chance to get it right before I start to whine.
There, happy? Whatdayathink? Do I look cute or what?
Picture of daddy snorkelling.
Daddy is still adjusting the lighting? This posing thing is kinda of tiring. Betta get some shut-eye before the next milk feed.
Out of the pictures taken today, mummy likes this the most - I'm sure it wasn't an easy choice since it's almost impossible to take a bad picture of me *smirk* - and got her friend to print it onto personalised stamps.